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Update 202405

System update

After running the same install of EndeavourOS for 11 months, I decided to give the system an upgrade. I ran this system update command to throughly upgrade the system top to bottom - from the kernel to the little tools and accessories:

sudo eos-update

The update ran in the background for quite some time. After it made the necessary updates, it prompted for a reboot. Fine, no problem- a reboot after a complete update it is.

Upon returning from the reboot, I found to my horror- the wifi was not working once again- just as if I installed a Linux system from scratch. This was disappointing.

Surely this problem can be resolved by reinstalling the wifi driver- but still... this is 2024 and EndeavourOS/ArchLinux still has this problem?

I logged into my laptop with a working wifi- and downloaded the wifi driver package. For my desktop, this would be the Linux driver for rtl8814au chipset. The code was available in github here:

I cloned the repo and ran:

cd 8814au
chmod a+x *sh
sudo ./

After a quick install and a reboot, the desktop automatically reconnected to my home wifi router. Another lesson learned.

Here is the OS after a complete upgrade:
