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Life Lesson in the Computer Lab

In another universe a long long time ago, there was a young naive student in the Cooper Union computer lab. As a freshman, he asked the manager for a job in the computer lab. The manager told him there's a queue for these jobs and they go to the juniors and seniors first because they've been on line the longest. Okay, that made sense to the young lad. So he crawled away with his tail between his legs and vowed to return in two years.

Junior year arrived and our young lad returned to the computer lab manager. Surely this was the year. This time, the manager told our young apprentice, "We only hire freshmen and sophomores because when we hire juniors and seniors, we train them and then they leave in 1-2 years." W.T.F.

Our young friend has been scarred ever since that day. Literally what is this bullshit. Anyone can make up any excuse they want to not give you what you want. After that day, our young friend learned - if you want something bad enough you will smash down doors to get it". Don't let gatekeepers get in your way.

That young neophyte was me. And that fooler was Jeff Hakner, Mister Cooper Union computer lab guy.
