
Back around Thanksgiving of 2005, my manager- let's call him Larry- showed an entrepreneurial spirit. At the time, the Nintendo Wii had just come out and the game consoles were selling like hot cakes. There was a shortage of Wiis for sale- and one could easily flip them around on eBay for $100+ profit per console. The only problem was- the only place to get your hands on them was at the Nintendo headquarter store in midtown Manhattan. Each morning, a shipment of Wii's arrived and a long queue of customers pulled them off the shelves as soon as they showed up. And each person was only allowed to buy one Wii at a time.

Nevertheless, each morning, Larry headed down to Nintendo headquarters, queued up, and bought a Wii. He put them on sale on eBay and profited $100+. Then he grabbed his wife and gramma to queue up as well. It became quite a racket.

After a week, the Nintendo security guard recognized him. He said- hey you can't do this every day! The guard blocked him off the queue. I thought that was the end of Larry's enterprise. But I was wrong.

The next day, Larry came into the office- with yet another Wii purchase. Only this time, he came in with a fake mustache. That was when I thought- damn- this guy is freaking unstoppable. If somebody puts a wall in his face, he'd just jump over it. Unstoppable. Mad respects.
